MPA Charities

The Mesquite Police Association Charities and Mesquite Police Association, in partnership with the Mesquite Police Department, City of Mesquite, and Mesquite Independent School District, have developed an autism awareness program that allows first responders to be aware of residences and vehicles that may be occupied by an individual with autism. This program provides residents with decals for their homes and vehicles as a visual indicator for first responders that they may interact with an individual with autism.

Once a resident is registered, information is added to the Mesquite Police Department Computer Aided Dispatch system utilized by the City of Mesquite which alerts first responders when responding to a residence or individual that has been enrolled in the program. Officers have advanced training in crisis intervention which can aid in dealing with a situation where someone may be on the autism spectrum. Situations involving an individual with autism often must be handled in an alternate manner than standard operating procedure.

Decals are provided to Mesquite residents by the Mesquite Police Association Charities at no charge.  Decal quantities are limited to 4 per design.  If you would like to obtain more, please contact

This program is designed to improve and enhance safety for citizens and first responders.  If you have any questions or suggestions as to modifications or additions to this program, please contact

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Autistic Loved One

Date of Birth:
Primary address:

Emergency Contact #1

Emergency contact #1 name:
Emergency contact #1 address:
Selected Value: 0
Selected Value: 0
Selected Value: 0
Selected Value: 0
Would you like to make a small donation to the MPA Charities to help fund this program? Donations are tax deductible and will be used exclusively for our Autistm Awareness Program.
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